Fertility is a dynamic continuum of health and is at its peak when your whole system is optimally healthy. I recommend three to six months of preconception healthcare to prepare both the Woman and her partner for conception. This preparation can greatly improve the chances of a successful conception and pregnancy, empowered birth and healthy baby.

Taking steps now to optimize your health is incredible important no matter where you are in your journey to motherhood and I can support you at any stage of your journey:

Preconception & Fertility

  • Natural Fertility: Optimizing Your Cycle and Overall Health
  • Decrease Your Miscarriage Risks and Increase Your Chances of Carrying To Term
  • Improve Suboptimal Sperm Count, Volume, Morphology and Motility
  • Integrative Care to Enhance Your Fertility Clinic Outcomes

Prenatal Care

  • Nausea & Morning Sickness
  • Fatigue and Iron Deficiency Anemia
  • Insomnia
  • Group B Strep (GBS) Prevention
  • Varicose Veins
  • Joint Pain
  • Prenatal Depression
  • Gestational Diabetes
  • Pre-birth, Labor Initiation & Breech Presentation Acupuncture

Postpartum & Breastfeeding Support

  • Healing After Childbirth
  • Postpartum Support: Sleep, Fatigue, Nutrition and Mood
  • Newborn Care
  • Postpartum Anxiety & Depression
  • Breastfeeding Support: Latch, Sore Cracked Nipples, Supply Issues, Engorgement, Blocked Ducts & Mastitis

Pregnancy Loss Support

  • Hormone Balancing and Grief Support